Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Jason Devore - Conviction and the life after

Not many people can say that they've had the chance to hang with Jason DeVore and his wonderful family. I am lucky enough to be a part of this whole family. Today, March 19th, 2013 at 2 pm I sat down with Jason and talked about life, motivation, and how his songs make him feel. 

I have been able to to see JDV a handful of times, and each time it's a new experience, nothing in the world could compare to each show. No matter how many times you hear his songs, sprinkled with some A0 songs and some Bollox songs, JDV brings a certain vibe to the room. With his followers young and old, we all sit and watch in utter amazement as he belts out song after song, hardly taking breaks. Where does he get the strength? Where does this powerful amazing voice come from? This is all a secret I suppose, but where ever it comes from it has emotion, soul. It has a vibrato all its own and makes you want to be on stage with him. 
A few devoted JDV fans (you shall remain nameless chris ;-) DAMN! ) like to hop up on tables, show their love and dedication to this amazing story teller, this bard of sorts. 
With Tipping Point soon to be released on April 2nd, the East European tour that he leaves for on April 4th Jason took the time to sit with me and my nervousness and answer some questions about life, his music and his wife. I was joined by his best friend of 19 years, Saddy Combs owner of LaDep Custom Cruisers and probably one of Authority Zero and JDV's biggest fans. 
Growing up he was inspired by his mom, she knew all the words to the songs on the radio, and he was in awe at how she could do this. Coming from a musical family, J would travel to Mesa, AZ to visit his dad during the summer, and eventually one thing led to the other and they were playing the Nile Basement in MTAZ. This is the wonderful start to Authority Zero. Arizona's original punk band. While many other bands had come before A0, little did these skater punk kids know that they would make something out of virtually nothing. 
JDV wanted to be a professional Skater/Snowboarder and along with that career comes the music. We all know that good tunes on the street or slopes motivates us to shred that triple black diamond or master that rail slide.
He writes the songs that relate to us, he sings the songs we want to hear and he loves his fans and family. At one of the very first JDV shows I met a young man, who explained that One More Minute was what kept his head in the game in Afghanistan. Deployed as a naval Corpsman and stationed in the middle east, this was the song that reminded him of coming home safe. When I am at a JDV show, I watch people; I watch their reaction to how J sings, moves and the how he pumps the crowd up. To be a witness to the A0 mosh pit is exciting, invigorating. 
Talking to J today, I was able to see a different side of him. I was able to see the gleam in his eye, the passion in his voice and his nervousness as he preps for another tour. I can see that he is mentally prepping himself for whatever may come and you can see that, while a seasoned musician he gets on stage every night and plays as though its his first show. This is not a bout of nervousness, this is the feeling of adrenaline, the amped feeling you get when your faced with such an overwhelming task, but you complete it and at the end of the show, the end of the day your shaking, because it was one helluva ride. 
I can't wait to see what JDV and Authority Zero have in store. All I know is that after almost 16 years of being a fan and hearing their music I will always and forever remain a loyal and faithful A0 fan. 

Wanna hear the interview? Check it out here!

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