Friday, July 12, 2013

Mr. Kitty - LIFE


     Close your eyes. Envision you're in a movie, following the lead character through twists and turns, plots and mysteries. This is the emotion invoked when listening to this album. I am watching from afar, alone in the theater, sitting in the middle, watching the characters on the screen unravel in their adventures. Maybe its a sci-fi venture, but I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for the next scene. 

     I am captured. Not a big fan of synth styled music, or electronica but I think I have found the perfect medium. With intonations of The Cure, Depech Mode, DnB, Techno and even some feelings of Combi Christ and Faderhead in the lyrics. I slowly start to move my body back and forth. Letting the sound and the lyrics rush over me like a tidal wave. Forcing my body to move. Could it be that my selective musical taste buds have found a new love for electronica? Could be.....

     The album has nothing but good-vibe feelings. Forcing you to focus on the lyrics, the sound and overall production of the album are impeccible. Well played Engraved Ritual. Well Played. 

     To quote the press release: "LIFE is an album with a destiny to inspire the deepest feelings, fears, and hopes within all, an enchantress inviting a poetic immersion into the brighter side of the shadows and sunsets wrapping our lives and an encounter setting Mr.Kitty as one of the truest souls within electronic/goth/synth pop"

Favorite Tracks: 


     There really is no bad to the album, I would recommend this to anyone reading this. I passed a song about from Mr. Kitty, Mr.Kitty - Unstable (Smokey The Bear Jew Remix), and received nothing but positive feedback from the different genre loving friends who have listened. 

Where can you get more?
Engrave Ritual:

Want to know more about the Record Label? 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Gods and Monsters / Blaze Rock - Black Talon - The Killer. The Butcher. The Mercenary.

     First off, the fact that The Ginger and Streets could possibly pull another LP out of thin air like Houdini and a bouquet of flowers is mind numbing. With The Company We Keep released in 2012, and The Second Coming shortly before that, once again one of AZ's most unique underground hip hop camps did it. 

     This collab featuring Blaze Rock, titled Black Talon -  The Killer. The Butcher. The Mercenary. Is out of control. These guys are fucking crazy. Dangerdoom? Nah, fuck that. D12, probably not. Again, more like Slaughterhouse, Public Enemy, And maybe even Run DMC. These cats are on point, like a fresh pair of Jordan 89 Fire Reds, GNM is just that. On Fire. These guys are eye catching. Maybe more like ear catching, It never gets old listening to their sound. Nothing ever sounds the same and the lyrics still, sharp as a samurai sword, cut through my headphones. 

     They maintain their posture, Gods among men, leading AZ hip hop to the top of the food chain. With shows on the horizon, GNM proves to be worthy to selective audiophiles like myself.  

     Like Single Dad Shit? Yeah Pt 2 will blow your mind. So many tracks on this LP, keeping true to how they feel about their lives, their music and their emotions. Audio Dope, will seep in your blood stream like a virus. Streets was right, having this in my ears as the blood pumps through my veins, sweat down my face as I go into beast mode in the gym is by far the best motivation. 

     Nothing compares to this LP, this is by the far the best Hip Hop LP released this year, world wide. Other artists, trying to represent what hip hop is about, falling short. AZ's true underground Hip Hop is what its about. They've taken over the block, next is the world. I expect nothing but excellence from them. I feel sorry for the 602 missing out on this LP. Time for some radio play.....what do you think? 

Where can you get it?

